Rapunzel in Midlife

This cartoon theorizes what  Rapunzel’s life would look like after she found her happy ending in the fairy tale. Rapunzel is a story about a girl who is trapped by the suppressive and ultimately overprotective love of her mother or mother figure. This is represented by the tower that Rapunzel is locked in, there is no way out other than climbing her long hair up to the top. Looking at this cartoon Rapunzel is shopping at the store which suggest she has already left the tower this is further proven by the fact that the caption says “Rapunzel in midlife” meaning she has already passed her teenage years. The story of Rapunzel is also a story about maturation and how Rapunzel had to disobey her mom in order to grow up, in the story she disobeys she mom by allowing a man enter her tower when her mother explicitly forbids anybody but her from entering. After disobeying her mother Rapunzel is forced to mature alone until the blinded prince finds her. The Rapunzel in this image is shown to be older by the rollers that cover her head, as many other older women stereotypically use this hair style.Midlife Rapunzel is pushing a cart full of boxes that say “nice and easy” this could describe the simpler life her, now that she has grown up and passes the stages of maturation. Compared to when her mother cast her out and she matured on her own Midlife Rapunzel is living easily.


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