Cupid and Psyche V.S The Frog Prince

Image result for the frog princeThe Frog King is about a beautiful princess who loves to play with a golden ball her father gave her. One day as she played with the ball she dropped it in a deep well and could not retrieve it. It was then that a talking frog came by and said he would retrieve the ball if the princess promised to love him, to let him dine with her, sleep with her, and take him everywhere she went. The princess agrees and when he brings her the golden ball she leaves him behind in the well, breaking their promise. The frog finds the castle and the king angry with his daughter for breaking her word demands she let him in and fulfill her promise. The frog turns into a prince and marries the princess, when it was time to leave the Prince’s servant Heinrich was so happy the bands around his heart broke. While the story of Cupid and Psyche is a tale of a gorgeous girl named Psyche, she was so beautiful that people started praising her as the new god of beauty instead of Venus. The angered Venus so much that she sent her son Cupid to make her fall in love with a monster. Cupid instead falls in love with her and makes Psyche his wife he only has one rule, that she cannot see his face under any circumstance. One day curiosity get the better of her and she looks at his face, but as she does some hot oil gets on him and he flies away. Venus is now furious and she demands that Psyche perform three tasks, separate some grains, collect some wool, and go to the underworld and fill a box with Persephone's beauty. Each task presents it’s own challenges but when Psyche completes the third she opens the box of beauty which was filled with death and dies. Cupid who has now recovered takes her to Olympus to become immortal. Both stories contain a beautiful princess who breaks a promise to their significant other. Psyche breaks her promise to cupid and the princess in The Frog Prince breaks her promise to the frog. They are different in that Psyche was persuaded to break her promise by her sisters,while the young princess was persuaded to keep her promise by her father. This shows that Psyche is a more model woman that the princess who does not display good behavior for the frog. This is also seen when Psyche scorned her beauty while the princess did not.

Image result for cupid and psyche


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