The Brothers Grimm

Image result for the brothers grimm
The film The Brothers Grimm has a lot differences when compared to the real life of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The film portrays the brothers as con artists. When in real life the Grimm brothers were scholars and would have never tricked anybody because it is against their Calvinist religion. Calvinists believe in working hard for what you earn in life. The film also shows them at a bar with friends and colleagues, Wilhelm, who is called Will in the film even gets two other girls to come up to his room. This never would have happened in real life simply because the Grimm brothers were shut ins as well as very studious. They spent numerous hours studying while their classmates partied. Moreover, in the movie the brothers relationship was very strained and indifferent. While they still loved each other Will blames Jacob for the death of their sister. In actuality the brothers had 9 other siblings, three of which died. The relationship between Jacob and Wilhelm was very romantic because they lived in that era when it was popular to express you love for people; whether they be family or friends. The similarities between the book and their actual lives are that they were poor, however they never resorted to tricking people. The film shows the French occupied Germany and as such the French are the antagonists this aligns with the way the Grimm brothers felt about the French.
Image result for french occupation of germany


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